Compassionate treatment.
Effective change.
Now offering telehealth services across California and New York
Welcome to the DBT Center of San Diego
The DBT Center of San Diego (DBTCSD) provides comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for people struggling with challenging emotional and behavioral issues, including borderline personality disorder (BPD), bipolar disorder, self-injury, and suicide attempts. DBT involves powerful strategies for change balanced with acceptance and compassion.
DBTCSD is the only clinic in San Diego with DBT certification, attesting to our competence and complete adherence to the DBT model developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan. We provide expert care with our team of highly-trained therapists, and offer a full range of DBT services tailored to meet your needs.
Our Team
DBTCSD is the only clinic in San Diego with DBT provided by true experts, evidenced by our DBT therapists achieving certification and numerous publications on DBT, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, suicidality, self-injury, shame, self-hatred, and other related issues.